Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 25

This is a pic of Colby after spending too much time with the little girls at church tonight!! Those are Elmo stickers, four to be exact!!
Easter is getting close! We already bought Colby an Easter outfit and basket. He is going to be so handsome!! Here is a pic of him with my Easter basket that my Aunt Rita made for me in '84. She always made an ornament for for each Christmas and other keepsakes for me. When I had Colby she crocheted this beautiful blue and white baby blanket. All the these things I cherish greatly!! It makes me wish I was still young with no responsibilities!! LOL

Monday, March 16

A little catching up...

Ok, I am still alive, just slacking when it comes to blogging. I am planning to do better! It seems I got in a slump of being overwhelmed with too much going on. I still have too much going on but I am praying for my way out. I think the Lord is working on me pretty hard, I am just too stubborn to realize what he is trying to tell me. Do you ever do that? Anywho! No need to go over the past, just starting with the present...

I am almost finished with our taxes!! ( I know, you have been finished with yours! ) It's a long story that started from last years taxes though. I have gotten caught up with most of the organizations I am involved in. My house looks like a family lives here, what better way to have it. Still behind in some areas but who's perfect?! Colby is now 10 months old and drinks whole milk. Goodbye to formula!!! He weighed 18 lbs at his 9 month check-up. Growing faster than I want, but I guess that's life. We got a new puppy last week. He is part Schnauzer and part rat terrier. We still haven't named him...

Colby stayed the night with Aunt Jess last and I don't think he has had more than an hours worth of sleep today! A little delerious to say the least, but hanging in there like a trooper. We did a few loads of laundry tonight, one of his major highlights!! I spent half the time picking the clothes up off the floor bc he was pulling them out faster than I could put them on a hanger. When he can actually help I am sure he will run from the dryer. LOL!!

After supper we head to the bath tub. The highlight of Colby's day! If you turn the water on in the tub he comes running (crawling at lightening speed) and drops whatever he is doing. He LOVES taking a bath. We are finished for the night and ready to have a bottle and snuggle for a few minutes...