Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 30

Easter Egg Hunt

This was our first actual 'Easter Egg Hunt' for Colby. Last year I just couldn't grasp the idea that our church did not have an egg hunt. We always had egg hunts when I was little. It is something I have fond memories of. So, I volunteered to head up an egg hunt!! With lots of GREAT help, we had an Easter Story, egg hunt, cookie decorating, egg decorating, face painting and hot dogs. I volunteered to make 200 sugar cookies from scratch for the cookie decorating. So Friday afternoon after burning up my mixer, my mother in law took the remaining ingredients and mixed it up at her house to help me finish making the sugar cookies and the butter cream icing!! What an experience... But I must say, they were delicious!! We had around 100 people show up to the egg hunt, a great turn out!! A few kinks to work out but I can't wait until next year's egg hunt! Now, just days away from the Easter Bunny stopping by our home!! SO EXCITING!!

Wednesday, March 24

Words of a 22 month old...

This morning after waking Colby up I couldn't stop thinking of all the little words that are so unique to him.
In the mornings I always walk in Colby's room, he wraps his arms around my neck and the first thing he says is 'JUICE'! It's not the same unless you hear it... It doesn't matter what I say from that point on every answer is 'juice'. Throughout the day if it isn't 'juice' it's 'yilk' (milk). When he wants to listen to or watch Veggie Tales it's 'bop bop' because of the opening song to Veggie Tales. And of course there's Elmo also known as 'Welwo'. And the biggest one of all, 'LALA'. For those of you who may not know what a 'LALA' is, it's anything that has wheels. We aren't sure where this one came from but it works for now! And the list goes on. I hope I never forget all these little things!

Tuesday, March 23

Saturday was a great day!! We got to Baton Rouge and stopped by the mall to have lunch. And who would have guessed there would be a Carousel in the food court! Colby started screaming and reaching out his hands for the horses.
Once we left the mall and headed to the convention center, I must say I was a little worried about how things were going to end up. For those of you that may not know, I get a little stressed when Colby doesn't act 'just right' in public!! But... Colby blew me away. He was SO good and LOVED ELMO!! As soon as the show started Colby's face was priceless. I wish everyone could have been there to see it. He kept smiling, squealing and looking back at me like "Is this real? Is that really Elmo right there?". He would close his eyes when they told everyone too, clap his hands and just sat in awe of what was going on on that stage. It was all worth the trip. At the end of the show my mom HAD to get him this Elmo toy. He stared at that toy the whole way home!! And showed everyone that he could when we got home. So glad we had the experience of seeing Elmo Live!! Thanks MOM!!

Elmo Live

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Thursday, March 18

Sesame Street Here We Come!!!

Colby and I will be going with my mom to Baton Rouge Saturday to see THE-ONE-AND-ONLY ELMO. I can't wait to see the excitement in his eyes when he gets to see Elmo in real life! I have never understood the fascination with Elmo. I know he is cute, cuddly and SO much fun but how does he do it?! One day Colby was walking by the TV and an Elmo commercial was on, Colby stopped in his tracts, turned around and went to stare at the TV screen. (This was love at first sight because Colby had never even heard or seen Elmo before.) From that moment on he was hooked! And not to mention all the Elmo things that one kid could possibly have, he got for Christmas from everyone... This should be a trip to remember.

Wednesday, March 10

You make me SMILE!!

Not feeling my best today, but couldn't stop thinking about the load of clothes in the dryer. Needless to say I folded the clothes. Colby loves to help with the clothes, putting them from the washer to the dryer and then handing each piece to me out of the dryer to fold. Tonight he decided to make this task a little more FUN!! When the roller coaster slows down, or sometimes stays upside down to long, he knows how to make me SMILE!! Enjoy the little things, you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, March 9

Roller Coaster of Life

My mom said to me today, "Why haven't you written on your blog, I guess it's all on Facebook now". After Heather talking about blogging and mom asking me, I thought why not. So, I made it a point to stop and write... There is no way I could play catch up in one blog from where I stopped. And oh what I have missed out on posting. Disney, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Mission Now Weekend, Valentine's, Snow Days, etc. Time flies so fast!

A short version of our life in the past few months... Disney was GREAT!! Christmas was SO much fun this year and who doesn't like the SNOW!! Recently I thought of my life as a 'Never Ending Roller Coaster'. Working a full time job, being involved in church and being a wife and mother, there is NO extra time. My calander is full with overlapping appointments!! I decided after June I would learn to say 'no' a little more just to take a break. Colby is almost two and Chris and I will be married six years in May!! Some of the greatest years yet and so much more to look forward too! Chris and I are taking a trip to Washington DC in April for our anniversary this year. It was supposed to be last year but I went with my mom instead. (I owe Chris big time!!) I have become more involved in our Children's Ministry at church and I think I have found my place. I am the VBS Director this year along with my friend Jess. Two weeks before VBS Chris and I have planned a mission trip to Arlington, TX for the youth group. I also decided to head up an Easter Egg Hunt for our church in a few weeks. So needless to say, I have overbooked myself a little!!

My grandparents told me I needed to slow down when I was pregnant with Colby. I didn't listen and it has only gotten busier. BUT I know this is what I am supposed to be doing and I love it. I love roller coasters, the highs, lows, sharp turns, twists and even the upside down spins! This is the picture of my life. What more could I ask for...

Can't wait to start writing again!!