Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 19

26 Days and Counting!!

YAY!! We only have 26 more days until we leave for Disney World. I haven't been since I was in the 8th grade and I can't wait to go again! Sometimes I find myself sitting at work day dreaming of what it's going to be like. Chris' family and my mom are going also. I know Colby probably won't remember any of it so it's mostly for us big kids. I have had lots of advice on what to do with the lil' guy and what not to do. Anyways, until then its more planning and saving... Any advice on those who have been on trips with a little one?

On another note, Colby has done GREAT at the new babysitter's!! It has been a blessing and he loves playing with all the other kids. We had a few days that he cried when I left and now he just gets out of the car and walks up to the door! After cutting back on his milk like the pediatrician recommended he is definitely gaining weight and has a HUGE appetite! What am I going to do when he is a teenager?!

Thursday, August 20

Wow, where has the time gone! I can't believe I haven't posted since May!!
Colby had a check up visit today at the doctor and weighs in at 21lbs!! He is growing so fast. The doctor said he looked great and that I was giving him too much milk, who would have thought you could give a kid too much milk? Anywho, we are going to back off a little and substitute something else.

We went and visited our new babysitter today after the doctor appt. Mrs Pickering will start Monday. She is so nice along with her dear husband who is at home with her. They are an older couple that live close to Chris' work. Deb is having to take care of Mamaw Jo and help Mamaw Betty now. It was just a little too much to be helping/taking care of those three!! Mrs Pickering has two other full time children and two that are only there a few days a week. I think Colby will have a good time!

Well lets see what else... We are going to Disney World in October!! I can't wait! I have started selling Premier Jewelry to help out with some of the bills. I had my training show and 'my' first show was last week. My second show is tomorrow night. It has been good to me so far!! Hope it works out! If you want to have a party call me!!

Wednesday, April 29

Catching up Part 2

Let's see, something I left out was for my birthday was that Chris made appointments for me to have my hair done and a manicure and pedicure!! It was great. I had a Saturday with my friends. One slight problem that ended up working out was while at the hair salon (the one I have gone to for years) getting a trim and highlight, I ended up with red and blonde! Needless to say, I didn't ask for red but Shelly fixed it and it was a deep auburn color. It took a little getting used to and I actually had many, many compliments.

Colby moved to his big boy seat! Much better for him and me.

Playing guitar hero! He will definitely will be our lil' drummer.

Easter was great with lots of festivities. The best part I must say was the fact that Chris, Colby and I spent the whole day by ourselves. We don't do that very often, in fact it may be the first time we have done that. It was so nice to be able to just enjoy each other.

The children released balloons after the sunrise service.

We had Colby's picture made with the Easter Bunny at Bass Pro Shop. I was very disappointed. You couldn't view the picture for 24 hours and when I did, it was off centered and just not a good pic. Next year we will definitely go to Northpark.

And now Colby will be turning 1 year old tomorrow! Can't believe it. Hope to post many pics of a fun birthday party on Saturday!

Catching Up Part 1

Once again I have been running around with tons to blog about and haven't sat down to blog. So a little catchin' up! Starting on the beginning of the camera!! My friend Jess got a pair of tickets to go see Paula Deen in Jackson and guess who she invited... It wasn't what we expected but a great experience, thanks Jess! SHE IS HILARIOUS!!

Kirsten, a dear friend at work welcomed her precious lil' tot into the world on March 27 @ 3:48 am. Eva Rhea weighed 6lbs even. Kirsten delivered all natural just the way she wanted. It is a wonderful story and I am so proud of her. She is an awesome woman!! Kirsten and her husband CL along with Eva plan to leave on a journey to India in the early part of 2010. They are very strong and mission minded and seem to have a wonderful mission in store. Please view their blog and share in their effort to further God's kingdom.
A snapshot of little Eva in the hospital when I went to visit.

Next would be Disciple Now Weekend '09!! This is the weekend we wait for every year... This is a weekend that begins on Friday night and goes on non-stop until Sunday at 12. Colby stayed with my dad and step-mom for the weekend and never knew he was away from home!! So the games started and we had our first accident! The game was to throw as many frisbees at the other team as you could. Once you were hit with a frisbee you were out and the last one playing one. Don't ask!! Nobody knows where Chris comes up with these games but the kids like this stuff. And every time I needed my camera it was MIA!

Wilton was hit in the face by a frisbee and it busted his lip.

We had four sessions over the weekend that was focused on getting to know God and finding out who we are. It was great material. The girls stayed at one house and the guys stayed in the gym. We had lots of food and fun. Saturday afternoon we had three big blow up games; gladiator, velcro wall and the obstacle course. Saturday night was the worship service and then we rented the skating rink. Let me just say I NEVER thought I would skate again in my life. I did pretty well, wish I could say the same for Chris!! We had a blast and as usual we were exhausted Sunday after the morning service.

Part 2 will be following...

Friday, April 3


Today was a day of reunion for me. While in Wal-Mart, my Friday ritual, I ran into a good friend from school. The last time I saw her was at my wedding shower about five years ago. She looked great and introduced me to her husband and she had her two girls with her. It was so great to see her. Still in Wal-Mart, I got a call from Cathy, a girlfriend at work. She said 'I think I found your dog. What is his name?'. I was like 'no way, where are you, his name is Duke'. I was checking out and we finished our conversation with the assumption it was Duke. She loaded him up in the back of her truck and brought him home. I should have told you before, we came home one day a few weeks ago and our chocolate lab wasn't here. Needless to say we never found him until now! Sure enough, I raced home and it was our Duke. We are so glad he is home!!

Wednesday, April 1

My 26th Birthday!

In case you didn't know my birthday is April 1st! I turned 26 today and don't feel any different. Chris on the other hand turned 26 in January and had a really hard time dealing! All night last night he counted down the hours, 'Three more hours and you'll be old'. I reminded him that he would always be 'older' than me!! It's life, right? Everyone has a birthday and gets a year older... I started the day with a voice note on my phone from my dad and step-mom, multiple text messages from friends and family, breakfast from my in-laws, a phone call from my mom and more to come from other friends, a card in the mail, an e-card and a few happies from some special friends at work. A great start to a great birthday.

So my whole life I have had people playing April Fool's jokes on me. Well today I was working with a patient and their father looked at me and said "You dropped some money on the floor" and pointed behind me. I of course turned around and looked. "April Fools" he said! I just thought I was an expert at all these tricks!!

Then I was preparing for Wednesday night as usual and Chris told me we were having a meeting after church at his moms house. So Erin took Colby for me and me and Chris ran home to get his notebook. We pulled up to the house and I wondered why all these cars were there... Chris said "It is a big meeting". Needless to say, I walked in to a dark house and the lights came on with a loud "SUPRISE"! It was the best suprise!! I had no idea. Everyone pulled it off and it was a great ending to a GREAT BIRTHDAY! Thank you to everyone for making it a special day. I am truly blessed to have such great friends and family.

The Suprise!

Next year I just want a '2' and a '7'!!
Of course he had cake too!

Summer and Jessie
Carey, acting like he is interested!

Wednesday, March 25

This is a pic of Colby after spending too much time with the little girls at church tonight!! Those are Elmo stickers, four to be exact!!
Easter is getting close! We already bought Colby an Easter outfit and basket. He is going to be so handsome!! Here is a pic of him with my Easter basket that my Aunt Rita made for me in '84. She always made an ornament for for each Christmas and other keepsakes for me. When I had Colby she crocheted this beautiful blue and white baby blanket. All the these things I cherish greatly!! It makes me wish I was still young with no responsibilities!! LOL

Monday, March 16

A little catching up...

Ok, I am still alive, just slacking when it comes to blogging. I am planning to do better! It seems I got in a slump of being overwhelmed with too much going on. I still have too much going on but I am praying for my way out. I think the Lord is working on me pretty hard, I am just too stubborn to realize what he is trying to tell me. Do you ever do that? Anywho! No need to go over the past, just starting with the present...

I am almost finished with our taxes!! ( I know, you have been finished with yours! ) It's a long story that started from last years taxes though. I have gotten caught up with most of the organizations I am involved in. My house looks like a family lives here, what better way to have it. Still behind in some areas but who's perfect?! Colby is now 10 months old and drinks whole milk. Goodbye to formula!!! He weighed 18 lbs at his 9 month check-up. Growing faster than I want, but I guess that's life. We got a new puppy last week. He is part Schnauzer and part rat terrier. We still haven't named him...

Colby stayed the night with Aunt Jess last and I don't think he has had more than an hours worth of sleep today! A little delerious to say the least, but hanging in there like a trooper. We did a few loads of laundry tonight, one of his major highlights!! I spent half the time picking the clothes up off the floor bc he was pulling them out faster than I could put them on a hanger. When he can actually help I am sure he will run from the dryer. LOL!!

After supper we head to the bath tub. The highlight of Colby's day! If you turn the water on in the tub he comes running (crawling at lightening speed) and drops whatever he is doing. He LOVES taking a bath. We are finished for the night and ready to have a bottle and snuggle for a few minutes...

Monday, February 2

Super Bowl XLIII

Ok, so I don't keep up with football. I enjoy watching every now and then but until last night I didn't know who was even playing in the Super Bowl, but WOW what a game!! What a great feeling for the Steelers and the coach who is only 32 years old, what an accomplishment! And Jennifer Hudson did a GREAT job singing the National Anthem. We had our usual party with the youth at the Activities Building with lots of snacks and games. A good time, as always when we are with our extended family!

Thursday, January 29

The Show

Our youth group at church has put together a concert. We are advertising for it on the radio, facebook, flyers, posters, etc. They have worked really hard to put this on and just thought I would help spread the word and say how proud I am of them. The speaker will be Big Daddy Keas , whom I hear is a great guy, and we will have two local bands, Shaken and Fovea Tree, who I don't know much about. The tickets are $10.00 advanced purchase and $12.00 at the door. So if you aren't busy on February 28th at 6:00 come out and enjoy the The Show at Mt Zion!!

Tuesday, January 27


So I went to Gatlinburg, TN with some of the youth guys... What a trip!! We left on a Friday afternoon and between Jon driving without using the cruise control and his phone dieing (GPS on his phone was the only directions to the hotel) we arrived at 3:00 am Saturday morning. The guys left to go hiking on Mt LeConte at 7:30. There was one brave girl... Kelly one of the guys girlfriends, decided to take the challenge. She hung in there and did just as well, even better, than some of the guys. Those of us who hung back at the hotel accidentally slept until 10:30. What a waste! So we got up and walked the strip in Gatlinburg. It was so pretty and so cold!! Sunday was eventful! A few problems that the Lord graciously kept me strong through. We ended the night by going to Ober Gatlinburg and it was snowing. If you haven't been it's GREAT!! We rode the tram up the mountain and the guys went ice skating. We wanted to go snow tubing but we got there too late. (We are definitely going back girls!!) Monday morning we left the beautiful mountains and the snow falling. I feel he put me in a very strong leadership position on this trip, which was not my intentions, and it taught me a lot about being who 'I' really am no matter who is around. How important it is to be yourself and to stand for what you believe in. I have a different perspective for other people now and a different perspective on life. My new years resolution was to be more positive. I have learned it is better to think about what you are going to say, is it necessary or just to blow steam, is it uplifting or downgrading to someone, and I have found myself keeping quite a lot more than before. WOW I didn't realize how much my mouth said stuff that I didn't really mean reacting just on emotions... Chris is already tired of me but I am hoping to rub off on him a little bit!! =p

Wednesday, January 14

Happy Birthday!!

This morning started with a full breakfast and many birthday blessings for a wonderful day... Chris turned 26 today, not an easy thing to grasp for him, but something he has no choice but to accept!! I don't quite understand it but maybe its the difference between a man and a woman? or maybe just the difference between me and him... I think of it as another year accomplished!! He says he had an ok day but starting to feel sickly, itchy throat and stuff. We ended the Birth-Day with a bash at church. Everyone brought goodies and we had story time with Mr. Chris!! He replayed his stories from children's church last Sunday with the youth because they had very important lessons... Paying attention when people are talking was one of them. An obvious problem that many youth have!! LOL In the end, Chris is still at the church with the kids, whom he loves hanging out with, having drama practice and Colby and I are hanging out at home waiting...

Colby got to participate before the party started with Uncle Carey!
Please overlook the hair...