Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 30

Rock Band

Saturday night me, Holly and Chris went to Zack's house and played Rock Band. We have Guitar Hero but this was our first time to experience Rock Band. For those of you that aren't familar, Guitar Hero has a guitar that you use and Rock Band has the guitar, drums and microphone. We had so much fun!! The drums were a lot harder than I had anticipated but I loved playing! Chris enjoyed "trying" to sing... We all took turns rotating around the different positions. Mal and 'the other' Zack came over later and played with us. Colby had so much fun watching his dad sing and his mom play the drums he just couldn't take it any longer!

Monday, September 29

D is for Dinner and a Movie

We had 'Dinner and a Movie' night for the youth Sunday. Our movie this time was Cars. We watch the movie and have a dinner that is themed to the movie. After the movie there are questions that relate it to our Christian life. For supper we had Checkered Flagwiches, Tow Mater's Tractor Tippin' Taters (waffle fries with Tony's), Kachow Dip N Chips (not sure what was in it, but it was really good!) and Lightning Lemonade. For dessert we had Flo Sodas (root beer floats) and the famous Lightening McQueen Cake!! It was my first time to make a cake like this and the book didn't have a picture... Please keep this in mind. I am ready to make Colby's birthday cake now!!! We also celebrated the September Birthdays so we had a store bought cake just in case mine wasn't edible, which it was, and Chris and Katie decorated it... We had lots of fun. Erin gladly served us Flo Sodas and cake.

Jay chillin' with his Flo Soda

After the movie we played a little Foosball

Thursday, September 25

C is for Ceramics...

A past time that my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and I have enjoyed doing for a while. A few years ago we decided to get our own kiln since we painted so much. One thing led to another and we decided maybe to try and sale some of our pieces. We have done fairly well. Enjoying it is our main objective. We are now making our own pieces and have a lot of new ones to offer.

I have quickly put together a blog to show some of our product. Still working on the blog, trying to squeeze in time to post more pics is tough!! Our business name is Giggles 2 Glamour.

The Lord is AWESOME and has blessed us with many talents!! Thanks to all our friends and family for supporting us.

Monday, September 22

B is for Bath Time...

I hope that he continues to enjoy taking baths for a long time!! We finally have learned to brave the bath tub! We used to use the sink and thought maybe it was time to start using the tub. Colby loves it because he gets to lay down and splash. Kicking his feet is so much fun!!

Leading up to bath time...

And Colby trying out his Big Boy seat!!

Thursday, September 18

Ok, so I haven't posted in a few days... Just a lot going on I guess but it seems hard to think of something to talk about. So I am following in Heather's footsteps...thanks for the push!

A is for Apples...I found this cute recipe for mini caramel apples at We always have a Fall Carnival at church in October and I always think of these cute ideas but never follow through. So now I have lil' Colby and it only seems right to make fun things. We are planning to be a Pirate for the Fall Carnival and mini caramel apples would go great! I see so many fun ideas for kids and can't wait to share them and experience them with Colby!!

4-inch lollipop sticks
Melon baller
Granny Smith apples (one apple makes about 8 mini apples)
Butterscotch or peanut butter chips
Chopped nuts, nonpareils, sprinkles, shredded coconut (optional)
Small paper candy cups

1. First, cut the lollipop sticks in half at an angle (the pointy end will go into the apple pieces easier). With the melon baller, scoop little balls out of the apple. Each ball should have a section of apple peel. Push half of a lollipop stick into the peel of each ball. Pat the apple pieces dry.

2. Melt the chips according to the package directions. Dip and swirl the mini apples in the melted chips, then roll the apples in nuts, sprinkles, nonpareils, or coconut, if desired. Place the mini apples in paper candy cups to set.

Wednesday, September 10

Fruits and such...

We started our fruits yesterday...the first food. Apples first! Chris video taped the event. Colby will one day look back and say "my parents were crazy"! It was a little complicated but fun. His first food, my first time feeding a baby, but we made it. Colby sat in his high chair today and had more apples. I think there is something new and exciting to look forward to everyday!! Next we will try bananas!
And we have figured out how to make noises. It's our new thing. He will talk your ears off if you will listen. And I don't know how a mom couldn't. I recorded it on my phone last night as he was sharing with me what he did for the day. So as any proud mom would, I proudly took it to work today to share with my friends! Thanks to Heather for the idea!! I could seriously sit and listen to it all day, I LOVE IT!!
"Can you imagine being with our Lord forever? Life eternal! No more death! Health forever from Him who is the great physician. Peace with Him who quells no war. No more want! Nothing that defiles or harms." Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins, Perhaps Today Devotional

So Chris and I were reading our devotional tonight and this just really hit me. Can you REALLY imagine this?! I always thought, when I was younger, that I would never get to have a family because I knew the Lord would return before that day got here...a little selfish, but young! I also thought I would never make it to 18, it seemed like forever away!! LOL Now I am here... I have a family of my own and the thought of being with the Lord forever leaves me in awe. The day when there will be no worries and no sadness. I CAN'T WAIT!! I am excited for my husband and son to experience this day also. To be able to teach my lil' guy the amazing things God has done and still does is one of the best parts of being a mom. I always looked forward to this day. Thank you Lord for this life, it's wonderful!!!

Monday, September 8

Summer Time Fun!!

These are pics from the week Mal, one of the youth at our church, babysat Colby. She took him swimming with her friends!! He is just chillin' like a cool dude with all the girls!! May I remind you, he just turned 3 months that week...

This is Ollie, Mal's dog. He would get down on his tummy and skoot or crawl up to Colby while he was laying down!!

Friday, September 5


We went for our four month check-up yesterday!! 12lbs 12oz and 24 1/2 in !!! Unfortunetly we had to get shots. I was expecting the worst and was very pleased with the turn out. Colby got three shots and some kind of medicine. He was ok with the medicine bc it was given by mouth, the three sticks were a little worse, of course. It broke my heart to see him in that state, but we pulled through. A little Tylenol and some TLC was all he needed!! A little fussy today and not to mention he woke up at 2:45 this afternoon when I picked him up and had been asleep since about 8:00 am this morning. And is asleep now!! He isn't going to sleep tonight!!!! Bless his little heart though, he wasn't in the best mood when he woke up this afternoon.

Fish Fry

My dad, Pops, and step-mom, Ninna, planned a fish fry last Sunday with my dads family, which rarely gets together. It was really nice getting to see everyone. We ate lots of fish and hushpuppies and loved on lots of babies!!

Pops cooked all the yummy food.

Jennifer, Walker, Uncle Adrien and lil' Stone

Aunt Rita, Bubba and Ninna

Amity, Stone, Matthew, Colby and Pops

Laura, Me and Jennifer

Three cousins all the same age and we all three had boys!! Laura's lil' man, Matthew is about to turn 2 in December, Colby is 4 months and Jennifer's lil' man Stone is almost 5 months.

Thursday, September 4


Colby and Cyanne, a close church friend.