Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 13


How could I forget!! A new past time of ours is 'muddin'. We go to my sister-in-laws down the road and have a blast. The youth comes, friends of friends, we have made new friends, etc. It all started with 'the deuce'. Chris had taken his jeep, which sadly we just traded, muddin before but the new toys had to be tried out! This is one of the deuces. Not sure why exactly we have these other than just for fun! And boy do they have stories to tell!!

So everyone who wants to ride loads up and hangs on tight! There is now limit to how many people can ride. The first bump always makes more room...

Recently we added some new means of riding... 'The Yota' one of Chris' other toys. He lets me drive it, with no power steering and it's a standard!! So my first time was great. The second time was a little more eventful. I forgot to mention there is a sequence to making the brakes WORK!! Well I got caught in the moment of having fun and forgot that small bit of information and was headed up a hill and unfortunately rolled backwards and hit Curtis. Thankfully he has a super duty bumper!! I had to make a circle and come back to pull him out bc I made him get stuck. I hate there are no pics to share of the incident. We do have video though!!
I promise I didn't break it!!

This is one of Carey's friends driving the white Tacoma, he took it through that huge mud whole!! Other friends come and ride in their jeeps, four wheelers, etc.


This is Curtis' jeep that I ran into!!

I posted this for you Heather!

1 comment:

Heather said...

only in the South is this fun!!! "Where's your sign..."